Thursday, October 29, 2009

Workshop 3 - ARCH1142 - Architectural Communication- Atlas of colour

Atlas of colour
Colour theme: Blue
Concept of atlas: Water takes up 70% of earth surface, hence, using the earth to lead people through the atlas and unfolding as contour. Simple layout used based on the precedent study, Herzog de Meuron's Natural History. Usage of colour at different tones gives me a great control towards the depth of objects.

Workshop 2 - ARCH1142 - Architectural Communication- Material Modelling

Model 1: Text: Fold, Concept: Infinity
Exploring infinity concept through overlapping folding squares.

Model 2: Text: Fold, Concept: Life, Pattern of tree
Building the exploded version of tree pattern to show life.

Model 3: Concept:Peace
Moving from destruction to open, pure area, as seen, reaching the peace area.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Workshop 1 - ARCH1142 - Architectural Communication- 100 words text

This picture shows the presence of lighting qualities in the architectural aspect. The distance of the building was highlighted with the usage of lighting throughout the picture where a darker sequence was used to show the further distance of the building. The aspect of repetition was shown through the building's structure where the picture captures the similar shapes in the building. The black and white effect was shown through the presence of light intensity throughout the buildings. Perspective view of the pictures further enforces the building's structural aspect and gives the viewer the idea of the spand and also the feature of the further building structures.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Final Submission

Obama Space

The architecture that symbolises the orb of the statue of liberty, symbolism of power and control. Obama's concept was of military power and control which was then highlighted s the structure grows taller as a symbolism of powerfulness. The control was shown through the presence of different levels of the building from low to high with bigger surface to smaller showing dominance of the leader. 

The Meeting Space

Usage of the covering layers around the architecture to highlight that both clients were supported by the people to have great powers. Open space were also to highlight the wide range of powers that both clients carries.

Prada's space:

Usage of custom texture to form movement throughout the surface.

Link for UT map:
Jules, sorry about movers as some of them wont work properly as the layering was not accurate as i was transferring everything from sketchup, so of the areas will need flying or jumping, sorry..

Sketch Up Models and Link

The Meeting space

Surrounded by "forest of shield" that signifies powers of clients are of the people.

Prada's office space

Presence of elegant and simple shapes shows the traits of Prada's design. Power of Prada's design were formed through the usage of elegant fashion design for the people. Hence, the presence of lot of "branches" shows the presence of Prada in creating a feminine and powerful fashion industry.

Obama's office.

This is to show the overall shape of the Obama office as it was inspired by the statue of liberty where the building forms an orb where different layering of tubes were used to focus the elevators at different movements but all was controlled and in the end focused at Obama's office at the top. The power of Obama was formed by the presence of democratic purpose, hence the layering of glass surrounding the building is to show the protection and support by people.

I had focused on using sketchup for making the overall shape of the building. This caused a very big problem for me as the importing of the surfaces were always having problems even though i had done a lot of tries of changing shapes and overlaying or even intersecting.. it just wont work..

Links for the spaces:



Draft Ut Images and Link

This is the UT draft environment but nothing much is present in it as I am mainly focusing on sketchup for my drafts. Jules, please look at my sketchup models that i uploaded. Thx!

Link for UT draft:

Peer Reviews

Dining Table, Elevators

Links for Elevators and  Dining Table:-

Prada Elevator -

Dining Table -

Obama Elevator -

Friday, June 19, 2009

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Mash Up

Mr. Obama arrived at the White House with a resume that manipulated the apparatus of fame and power. Obama's decision to enter politics turn out to be yet another piece of great timing in a remarkable agenda in an era of overblow political statements. And like every other brainy move from this best of all possible, Mr. Obama quickly reshaped policy on the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan that began provocative relationship of  reforming national security. Given Obama's conscientiousness and ambition, the overall goal of shifting the military's focus were navigated as boldly with his presidency, then becomes an international aware issue. With presence of authority, Obama's power to rebuild national security were successfully achieved with the newly constituted and democratized nation. Fundamentally idealistic, indestructibly self-respecting nature leads to possible exception integrity and very freedom from attention seeking may turn out to be the beginning of change of international economics and security was seen.


Obama article :

Madonna Article :

Prada Article :

Monday, May 4, 2009

Final Submission - Exp 2 - Map Link

UT2004 Map uploaded to this link:

Enjoy! xD

Final Submission - Exp 2 - Images